thisThis is a response to the person who asked - how can iI relax and be natural around people. Actually i?
Actually I came across this post because iI too was trying to find answers about very much the same issue. So iI don't really have answers, but in the recent months while talking to a therapist and also introspecting myself... iI had some insights, which iI thought iI will share. theyThey may not apply to others...yet yet they may help.
I realised that in my case since iI was very young, iI have been most comfortable in my own thoughts, living in my own mind (iI used to daydream a lot, and it was like my life was already being lived out in the mind and here iI always won, iI was always looking good, it felt good). iI think as children, if we have found life to be very difficult, or overpowering, and our sensitive mind deals with it by retreating inside, and this becomes a deeper tendency. weWe are then our most natural self, only when we are with ourselves and within our own minds. hereHere we feel safe. soSo then any external engagement becomes a shift from our comfort zone. realisingRealising this itself, that 'a lot of my life is lived in the mind', helps to perceive the situation. One cannot simply drop that habit in one go and start 'adjusting' with others., but slowly, start living with the 'real' rather than the comfort zone we have built around us.start living with the 'real' rather than the comfort zone we have built around us.
Even so, it may be that we are the kind of people who cannot get along with just anyone. And perhaps we try too hard to fit in with everyone and get along with all. soSo, while we should reduce the tendency to retreat into our comfort zone, that doesn't mean we should push ourselves to fit in. Slowly, develop ways to become comfortable with who we are and be with the few friends that are easier to be with. slowly this should improve.Slowly, develop ways to become comfortable with who we are and be with the few friends that are easier to be with, and slowly this should improve.
anotherAnother thing iI found in my case, was that there is a strong tendency to want appreciation, and acceptance in a group of friends or with people (for whatever reason). and thatThat is also why it is harder to be with people. when iWhen I live in my own world, no one challenges me, nothing hurts my ego, iI feel safe. when iWhen I step out, iI feel challenged, and judged, and thus quickly iI develop a pattern of conforming, of and making people like me., or iI simply learn to hide myself, i and put on a mask. And so the interaction becomes a pressure and iI lose my own self. iI start mirroring other people so that iI can cope and fit in. (forFor example, iI used to get very anxious when people asked me what music or movie iI like. iI felt that iI was always lagging behind the trend, and the things iI did like were so odd and different. overOver the years iI have begun to see that these were low self-perceptions. iI actually did know a decent amount of music. secondly iSecondly, I did have a somewhat different choice, and so i stopped trying to make people understand me. thenI stopped trying to make people understand me. Then happily suddenly uyou meet people who share your passion, sometimes).
For me, iI also found that there is an unrealistic expectation that people understand the state of my mind, the depth of my thoughts and feelings. I want people to understand my inner self. thatThat inner me is so rich and diverse, yet all people see is awkward me. perhaps Perhaps this feeling came from childhood too... that howSo I desperately try to i share my inner world. and so i desperately try to share it and fail, or iI hide it. But again it is becoming clear - that firstly iI cannot live so much of my life in the mind., and secondly, in the world, it is our actions, behaviour, and achievements - our outer presentation - that is our visible personality. thatThat should be basic and grounded. rest, only rarely do we need to 'express ourselves true selves' or whatever to people... Only rarely do we need to 'express ourselves true selves' or whatever to people... so basically - bridging the gap between two extremes., complete social acceptance or complete retreat to the inner.
i find that the more i live in the present and the real, the easier it gets. forI find that the more I live in the present and the real, the easier it gets. For instance iveI've stopped locking my room so much, to avoid that retreat into the 'me zone'. I do not retreat into my zone as a form of escape, as far as possible. slowly, a shift in practices in needed. a deeper habit has to be shifted... but not to fit in with others, rather to be a more authentic me.