I've been dating my partner for almost 5 years and our relationship is very good! We're excellent at communicating our feelings and we figure out solutions when we have disagreements instead of fighting. We're young (I'm 22yo and my partner is 23yo) and they live with their mother and sister.
I want to improve my relationship and communication with their mother but this is where the problem begins. I believe she doesn't like me and we talk poorly.
I believe she doesn't like me
She treats me very well and has never insulted me or anything, but some of her actions made me stand-offish around her. Some examples of these actions:
When my partner was about to live in another country for 6 months, her advice to them was that they should break up with me so they would have more fun and "experience" more instead of having a long distance relationship.
When she greets one of my partner's friends (same gender as me) she is super hearty and excited and she treats this friend as if they were actually her son-in-law/daughter-in-law.
- She says to my partner that they shoundn't "do much effort" to see me.
There are just a few of things I remember off the top of my head. There are other signals but they're minimal.
we talk poorly
She doesn't hear well and uses a hearing aid. I speak kind of low so that aggravates things. Sometimes, I talk a little louder but I never know when her hearing aid is on high or low so I'm afraid of loud talking when she's hearing fine. Most of our conversations are me listening to her speak because it's hard for me to respond (given my low voice and my apprehensive attitude).
I want some advice on speaking with her so I can improve my relationship with her, I like her very much and she raised the person I love with all my heart.
(I don't know if this sounds petty but I could really use some help)