A lot of these answers are going into great detail, and they raise some good points. I'm going to do something slightly different. I'm going to be blunt, and cut straight to the salient points.
"Double standards" is a troublesome thing. It's ok to have a relationship where one person behaves differently, if that's been agreed. For example, I trust my fiancée entirely and have always been fine with her hanging out with her friends, of any gender. However, there have been times when I've deliberately avoided spending too much time alone with certain people, because I know those people make her uncomfortable. It's not a "double standard", it's just being mindful of one another's feelings. The key difference is that this was agreed by both parties - it was something I chose to do out of respect for her feelings. In your scenario, she's told you to do it, and not given any thought to your feelings about these people. Conversely, you've pointed out that you're uncomfortable with what she's doing, and she's told you that you're being territorial and she was totally ok to do it. She is disregarding your feelings here; there's no other way to put it. Do you really want to be with someone who believes that it's totally ok for her to do something that she knows will upset you?
Putting aside the inconsistent application of this rule for a moment, let's look at the rule itself: effectively, your SO has told you that she doesn't want you spending time with other women. In fact, you said in a comment that "its like she doesnt want them to even experience satisfaction in interaction with me".
Ooohhh, boy.
Your SO being uncomfortable with you getting close to other women is one thing. Your SO not allowing you to keep in touch with your friends is not ok, regardless of what gender those friends are. Your SO not liking it when any other woman is in any way happy to see you or gains any enjoyment from your presence... run. She is telling you to cut all contact with people you care about without making allowances for how might you feel about that, and without showing any willingness to make similar sacrifices. She's also cutting you off from anyone you might be able to compare her to, or have feelings for.
This gets even worse when we think about the fact that she got with you by lying about her relationship status. She told you that she was "technically separated", and then she said "she was scared to tell him they were done", and only finally broke up with him after you were together. I'll be blunt: you did not "get together in a weird way". She cheated on her ex, and you were the other guy. When she said they were "technically separated", what she was saying was that the relationship was over, but he didn't know it yet.
I'll say this once: there is no good reason to start a relationship without first properly ending the previous one. By seeking a new relationship without breaking it off with the previous guy, she showed a total lack of regard for his feelings. The only way for them to be "technically separated" is if they were married, they had split, and the legal matters of divorce had not yet been finalised. Otherwise, there is no "technically" about it: if she hadn't told him it was over, then she was still in a relationship, and anything that happened with anyone else was cheating.
To sum up:
- She has shown a lack of regard for your feelings, and has done so in previous relationships as well
- She has shown an unwillingness to reciprocate or compromise when it comes to "rules" she expects you to abide by
- She is trying to cut you off from people you care about
- She cheated on her last partner
- She described her cheating as some "weird" scenario where it was "technically" ok for her to start a new relationship while still with her previous partner
- She has a preoccupation - almost an obsession - with the possibility of cheating, despite the fact that you have never cheated on anyone
This has more red flags than a communist matador's convention. Run. Get out, be single for a while, do not go back when she inevitably breaks down and promises to change, ignore whatever she says or whoever she blames it on if things turn nasty, spend as much time as you like with your friends who are there to support you, regardless of what gender those friends are, and next time find someone who is single, who respects your feelings, and who understands that relationships are built on trust and compromise.