Yesterday I was taking the elevator down from the 5th floor to head out for lunch. A co-worker who works on the 6th floor was already in the elevator. I know that she works for my company, but I don't know her past that.
While in the elevator she out of nowhere says "It seems like I always get the freight elevator. I know a I am a big girl, but is someone trying to tell me something"? I responded with a uncomfortable laugh, and replied "Yeah, me too". The situation made me feel very uncomfortable.
After thinking about it, I though that next time my best bet would be to ignore the comment. But in this particular case, because she knew who I was, I didn't think I could without being rude and nor could I get away. And the look on her face made me think I did not do such a good job in this scenario.
In the future, how could I handle a situation like this where someone is making a self deprecating uncomfortable comment and I don't have the ability to get away? I would prefer to make the situation easier on me as I am not the most social person, and the other person if possible as a secondary goal.
(Without offending or seeming rude.)