I've recently returned from visiting my girlfriend - we are in an long distance relationship. She started to feel very empty and depressed when I left. She cried a lot and told me she started to stress eat and feels it hard to focus on anything but the feeling of missing me.
She usually focuses on her studies to keep busy, but now summer holidays are here and there isn't anything to really keep her mind of missing me.
During my time with her, I introduced her to some computer games (to no avail) and also playing the piano (her father bought a keyboard at a flea market while I was there).
I've tried asking her to make her own mission during the holidays like learning a song on the keyboard or trying to find a game she likes. (I admit that the games I introduced were not really her cup of tea. But she did like the puzzle platformer genre.) But she tells me she is unable to think about doing such things.
Question: Is there any better approach to provoking interest in hobbies and activities other than just suggesting they try it?