So it's been 4 months since we started dating. I'm aware that she is insecure and jealous but it has been going worse since we started dating. At first she started complaining about me hanging out with my female friends so I gave up on that for the sake of our relationship.
She then started getting mad over likes and followers on Instagram. I tried to help by removing people whom I don't really know but this did not help and she just kept getting mad when I like my female friends pictures.
I'm writing this because today we had a big argument and I really do not know what to do. We were in a restaurant with an mutual friend. Our friend wanted to switch places with me in order to take a picture. So as I was sitting I glanced at the table in front of us. There were 3 girls whom I barely noticed. I did not even look at their faces, it was only a 1 second glance. She got so mad over it and said that I am a disgusting man who checks other girls.
Similar arguments also happened just because I looked at the girl who was passing by. It's important to say that I do not do that all the time and I do it indiscriminately whether it's a woman or a man.
I feel like walking on eggs. I'm always thinking about things that I should not do in order not to make her angry. I'm consciously forcing myself not to look around because it makes her feel bad, yet nothing seems to work out.
How can I assure my girlfriend that looking at other people does not question my faithfulness towards her and that I am uncomfortable with her getting jealous?
I love my girlfriend and I really want to fix things.
UPDATE Almost two years since I wrote this. I just came across it by accident. Our relationship ended one year ago. It was rough. Many fights and suicide attempts followed this one. I couldn't save the relationship. I couldn't take it for much longer and I broke up with her. She is doing fine now. She has a new boyfriend and she is going to therapy. And I am still wishing that things were different. We live to forget and I have made peace with it. Thanks to everyone who replied to this and tried to help.