I have a roommate who asks a lot of questions. Most of them are on topics that are more a matter of opinion, such as religion and politics. He is from Colombia and lots of things are new to him, but I also think it may just be his personality.
Some questions I don't want to answer because I don't know the answer. Some questions are very subjective. It's starting to stress me out. Here are some examples of what he asks
- in this country are teachers paid well?
- how long does the coffee stay hot for?
- do Protestants take their religion more seriously than Catholics?
- when was the last time there was a strike? what was it about?
- is $10 considered a lot to spend on lunch food?
- is it common for people to leave a light on at night?
- do most people have a dentist they have used for a long time?
- do you pay tuition to go to school here?
The last one stands out for me because he is a full time student and I know he's actively involved in the campus life (part of clubs) so I find it hard to believe he doesn't already know the answer. This is why I wonder if he's just trying to socialize (which I would like though we need to find a topic of common interest).
What I've tried:
- saying "I don't know"
- explaining it's a matter of opinion
- saying there's too much variability over the country to make a general statement
These haven't worked well as his reaction is silence and just standing there and I'm afraid I've hurt his feelings. Leaving isn't always an option if I'm cooking something when he's there.
Any alternatives? Do some of these questions make more sense in Colombia, for example are all teachers in Colombia paid the same?