My manager has the habit of thanking me after every one-on-one meeting we have. Here is how those meetings goes:
- I present my work to my manager
- My manager gives me feedback and helps me improve stuff
- At the end of the meeting, my manager thanks me
The thing that is troubling me is that:
Is there some agreed upon response I am supposed to give in this situation? If not, is there some way to determine, without asking, if my manager expects me to:
- Thank them back (since they dedicated there time and helped me)?
- Accept the thanks (possibly with a "you're welcome") and move on?
Note that my manager and I are only doing our work here. I'm not doing some extra stuff or anything like that.
Notes and clarifications:
- I don't know what exactly my manager is thanking me for. However, taking the time for such meeting is part of my job