I will sometimes ask a friend how their day was or another question via chat message. Sometimes the message will be marked as read but then they don't respond for a few day or even longer (6 months). I will see they are online, but hear nothing.
From college, I have learned that when a friend is ignoring me it is because I did something wrong and upset them, but they never call me out on it or tell me what I did wrong.* Now when someone doesn't respond when they have had a chance to I start to panic that I did something wrong, but they won't respond and tell me what I did if I did. How can I determine if they are ignoring me because I did something wrong vs ignoring me because they need time away from me vs just too busy to respond?
*Eventually I would be annoying enough that we would sit down and have a meeting about what happened. We would usually discover that I did or said something based that was interpreted differently from what I meant. Often the difference was because I didn't understand how something is normally interpreted or I was just using logic. It was a few years later I was diagnosed with autism...which makes more sense to them now.
Culture is USA, I am in the midwest.