I broke up with my girlfriend 2-3 months ago, before that we've been together for almost two years.
Before breaking up, the relationship was the best I ever had. We loved each other, loved each other greatly, the type of love where we would do anything for each other and we were also really compatible.
The reasons for breaking up are really relevant, but we had a big lousy fight at my place, when my family was home too, and that was one of the main reasons. I was the one who decided to break up, and she was really against it.
After the break up, we remained friends with benefits, until around 3 weeks ago. During that period we used to hook up a couple of times a week and spend 4-5 hours together. She was still having strong feelings for me and so did I.
The last time we hooked up, after we were "done", we just laid in bed, I was laying on my back and she had her head on my chest. At one point, she starts hugging me pretty hard, so I looked at her face and I see tears coming out of her eyes. I didn't say anything, pretended I didn't see, but that really teared my heart apart and made me realize this was really not healthy for her, I think she realized that too.
After that, both of us had a really busy period so we didn't have the chance to hook up. (One thing to note here is that, during the "friends with benefits" period, I was really encouraging her to go out with other men and I told her multiple times that what we were doing is just temporary, until one of us finds someone else).
Fast forward a bit, more than two weeks have passed since we last hooked up, and I started realizing that I miss her, a lot. Not the sex, but her.
I realized that I was not hooking up with her for the sex, as I had believed, but just to spend time together. Few days passed since that realization, and I decided to ask her if she wants to give us a second chance.
But before that, I first asked her best friend how was she doing and what did she think about us getting back together. Her best friend told me that she didn't think it was a good idea, because my ex has started seeing someone else and she is finally getting over me, but that she still had really strong feelings for me and if I would ask her about getting back together, it would really mess her feelings up.
Having heard that, I was split in two. But if there is even a 1% chance of getting her back, I would do anything to have her back in my arms.
So that gets us to this day. I have decided I want to ask her if she wants to get back together, regardless of anything else. How to tell my ex I would like to get back together without hurting her feelings as I've been told she's starting to get over our relationship?