My mother is quite single-minded in getting what she wants. Unfortunately, she also has only a single tactic: trying to convince me every single time we talk.
Most of these things are products or activities that my wife and I have no interest in. Yet saying "no" is not a solution. It just leads to us having to explain why we're not interested, and then reply to every single counter she provides to our objections. Eventually, the topic will be dropped... only to continue the very next time we communicate, at which point we have to start the whole thing over.
Examples include activities like kayaking, one of those food services where they send weekly packages to your house containing all of the ingredients for a single meal along with the recipes, and an expensive "concierge healthcare service" that is basically paying someone to facilitate doctor visits and handling healthcare issues.
When I was in my 30's, there was a span of several years where she was trying to get me to buy a kayak so I could go with her. No matter how I phrased my complete lack of interest, she refused to accept it. I tried responses like "kayaking doesn't sound fun to me", "I can't afford it", and "I don't have any place to store a kayak". She had a counter for each one ("try it! You'll love it once you're on the water... I did!", "they're not that expensive, and you can get payment plans!", and "you can rent storage with us!"). The only reason she stopped asking is because she stopped kayaking.
My wife and I discussed the meal service, and agreed that it was too expensive, and not something we were interested in, because we already make meals similar to what they offer. After 6 months of it being brought up every time, and our responding "no" in every way we could think of, my mother gave my wife a gift certificate for the program for my wife's birthday present. The gift certificate was enough to cover one-and-a-half meals for two (we have a son, and they don't offer meals for three). After that, every conversation with my mother involved "so, what did you think?" followed by audible disappointment when we said we hadn't tried it yet.
We did eventually shell out the money to get 4 meals (there was no option for 2 or 3 meals), paying out-of-pocket for more than the amount of the gift certificate. We found it wasteful, overrated, and surprisingly inconvenient. We then had to explain this to her on half a dozen different occasions before she finally dropped it.
The concierge service seems to be trying to solve a problem we don't have (long waiting times for appointments, difficulty understanding test results, forgetting routine visits, etc.), and is expensive. But apparently my mother and her husband will get a discount if we sign up as a referral, so I fear that this one will keep coming up for months. We've already politely told her that we're not interested about 8 or 9 times, in a variety of ways.