I used to live in city X, and I have an acquaintance Y back then that I have not contacted since I left X. I recently moved back to X (after 6 years) and have some problems at home where I will need some contractor help. Since I know Y has been living in X for a long time, I thought perhaps he will know some people that he can recommend. I then reached out to Y and get a lunch together, and wondered if he knows of any contractors by any chance, and it's okay if he doesn't. He indicated that he will look, and I haven't heard from him since. And I thought, okay, he probably doesn't know anybody, which is fine, and I was ready to just not think about it too much. But he poked me two weeks later about whether I have been able to find someone already, and I said no, I have not. After that, he disappeared and did not respond further.
I was talking to some of my other longer-time friends about acquaintance Y and that I am a bit frustrated that why he poked me afterwards - I am okay with him forgetting and not getting back to me and it's perfectly fine if he doesn't have any recommendations. But I was somewhat offended that he just followed up but wholly didn't mention anything about the contacts I asked about, but simply whether I found someone already as if I never asked him for contacts. My friend actually then rebuked me, because I am obviously not that close to Y (acquaintance), and that me poking Y is simply an annoyance to him especially since I haven't really kept in contact after I left X.
I am somewhat surprised about what my friend said, that Y is probably annoyed that I poked him for getting some recommendation for contacts just because I have a problem and that I do not really care about a genuine relationship with him. I really didn't think that it should be offensive at all (especially for something like a contractor recommendation where I am "giving out" work, unlike say, a job referral).
How can I ask for local recommendations from an acquaintance that I haven't spoken to in a while?