We're both early 20's males in the UK. We both intern at the same company, and have lived together for around 8 months.
Given the present situation, people are supposed to be isolating themselves as much as possible. Both his friend and girlfriend have recently been at a university (no longer than a week ago) where there have been COVID-19 cases (including one who attended a very popular student club, so I'm fully expecting widespread transmission amongst the students).
As I see it, this is putting both of us in serious danger of contracting the virus, as well as everyone in our community - he's violating pretty basic rules of social distancing.
He says that he's tried to ask her if she could wait a week or two to come, but it seems like she's the one who wants to come right now, rationalising that she should come while it's still "relatively safe" - I don't think it's relatively safe at all.
How do I convince him or his girlfriend that to travel now would be a bad idea?