I am taking an online course. Two days ago, the instructor organized a meeting of all the students. I liked one of them – he is senior to me, and seems like a nice sort of person, friendly-like – and we seemed to share common interests. (We were asked to describe ourselves in a few sentences, so that is how I know.)
I felt that I would like to get to know more about him, so I contacted him personally the next day, thanking him for some of his comments which were helpful for junior students like myself. I also asked him general, non-personal questions, like about his dissertation.
He replied the same day, and was friendly, and talked about his dissertation a bit more. He signed off with "Thank you for getting in touch, and hope to speak again soon."
Does he want to continue this interaction, or is he trying to give me a brush-off? If he is keen on continuing interacting, when should I reply to his email? Today? Tomorrow? I have just one or two friends, and would like to make more, but it takes an incredible effort for me to interact, so I am just not sure what I should do.
What are the general guidelines/etiquette for situations like this?
Note: I am male, as is he. I am looking for a platonic friendship. He is from the UK; I am from Sri Lanka.