Last night, I took my bicycle to meet some friends (both boys and girls). While we were sitting there (on the curb, in a relatively secluded place where the teen will often meet for a pakal (a meeting, often playing the guitar and, like, drinking tea)), an older teen (I'd guess 17) came over and started chatting to the girls, holding a cigarette and a beer (yech). After he failed to convince them to bring the guitar over there to where another member of the group was apparently able to play, he and the two guys who had wandered over while he was talking turned to leave. I was behind them, sitting on my bike.
As they turned to leave, the original guy asked if he could borrow my bicycle for a minute, to take a spin. I didn't exactly want to tell him, since he was smoking a cigarette and holding a beer, and I had my keys and phone in my bike bag, so I didn't want to let him use. I just shook my head a couple times and the other people he was with shepherded him along back to where they were before they came over to ask about the guitar.
I often will take my bike to such gatherings with my friends, and will continue to sit on it and randomly bike around for a minute throughout the gathering. Is there a better way to say that I do not want to let someone use my bike?
Please note that in Israeli culture teens will often borrow other people's bikes, and that it's considered perfectly acceptable. I'm also an immigrant.