Me and B, my best friend, 2 boys, were the core of a group of friends.
C, a girl, became a core member by coming to almost every gathering we had. I started having feelings for her but long story short, she slept with B casually. I made a scene out of this, and that's how they learned about my interest and decided to stop making out. That's just a crush, she's not the only fish in the sea, but I still feel bitter for being rejected.
Now things with C are weird despite the appearances. Our group still meets regularly (6 months since the events), but I feel like she and I are friends to B, but not to each other anymore.
How to avoid her, while keep seeing everyone else?
I'm not sure I want to avoid her, but I wanted to ask here to see if it's worth the trouble. I want to keep B as a friend at all cost and I would want to leave the ankwardness/looserness, I feel when I meet her
Edit responding comments:
I don't want to be there when she comes but I haven't tried anything yet. I feel it would force B and the other members of the group to choose between C and me. That's unfair, they shouldn't suffer from this situation.
As a group we do the same things than before the events: playing games, going to gigs, restaurants, bars, holidays together. We often end around a table (3 to 10 people). They are a few activities she dislikes while the rest of the group likes it.
Because we have a group chat, it's easy to know when someone comes.
The options I see are :
- Doing like the previous months, staying miserable and hoping it gets better with more time
- Not coming when I learn about her presence, making false excuses. I fear what will happen if the group sees that I'm avoiding her. And I may miss really cool events with my other friends.
- Taking the lead from B to invite everyone but her (100% drama)