I have a recurring problem in my life.
I try, but I can't have female friends. It is hard for me because I love to have conversations with them and I have problems with guys because they act like children, they can only talk about sex, and things like that. Even if I try to talk about it with them, they can't do it in a serious or mature way.
It seems I have a lot of charm and charisma, especially on women, and this is something that girls have told me too.
The point is, that I am just myself. I talk with them, I tell them stupid things, like when I'm doing some poo (and I'm sure this isn't fascinating or mature at all), I talk with them about everything that is serious or not, and always as if they were adults without caring about their age.
Every time I'm clear that I just want to be friends and they seem to want the same, but after some weeks or less, they "fall in love" and tell me that they don't want to be my friend but more. When I clarify by repeating that I just want to be their friend, they just kick me out of their life.
It's like I can't control this, it happened when I was 19 years old with a 36-year-old woman too (but in her case we did something more).
I can't understand what happens because if I look at a mirror I feel uncomfortable, I see myself as an ugly guy, so I don't think it's physically related, especially considering that I'm not tall and I look younger.
Maybe I did something wrong, considering that I love cuddles and it's a part of my personality, when I'm single I hug my friends (only girls, I don't like to hug boys as that makes me feel uncomfortable) and I suppose that those cuddles may let them think that I want more.
I don't try to be "sexy" with them at all. I even asked one of them how she cleaned her nose with her piercing...
How can I be friends with a girl without making her fall in love with me?