Many people who contact me on WhatsApp send me (too) many messages. Most of those messages are pointless, some are useful and few are important. I usually make it a point to reply to the important ones. However, the other two messages, even when I read, I don't usually reply.
Here, I am not talking about a joke or a meme that somebody sent me. But something like "You might be interested in this: blah blah" or "Should we have a party plan sometime this week?" or "How is your new project coming along?"
My past experience is that replying to these messages starts long conversations resulting into a wastage of time and basically lead to nothing important. So I usually avoid replying to them even after reading. However, I fear that my senders might think that I am a rude person or don't care about them or something.
So, how can I read their messages and not reply immediately without sounding rude? Or just reply to them so that that it doesn't result into long chats and waste of my time?