Note: I should mention that this may be a cultural thing in Indonesia to broadcast or share "helpful news/article" in a group chat, or broadcast it to all contacts in BBM (not group. Broadcast is the most horrible feature that made me flee from BBM). Usually they received a "helpful" article, then proceeded to forward it to various groups they're in.
Today, Alice shared a news that a hospital has a breakthrough in cancer cure and want to help poor people. They just need to send their contact information and the cancer type to an email address. I was skeptic and research the news on the internet, which Google first page easily determine that it's a hoax.
My usual response is replying in group "It's a hoax" and just that. Back then there were far more shares which I instantly recognize as hoax, which I stayed silent, and I just recently started to reply.
Several weeks ago, Jane shared a news of a new traffic regulation, which I think is very helpful. But out of curiosity, I researched with only 3 keywords and found out it's a hoax that's been circulating for more than 5 years (with 1-line modification to make it looks up-to-date).
After I replied in the group, I sent a message roughly like this:
I believe you send the news in good faith. I don't have anything personal. I just don't like "chain message" like that.
Which she replied in mildly harsh tone:
I just want to share information. If you don't like it just don't read it. I think it's a good thing to share positive information. If you think I was wrong, sorry.The last part is clearly not an apology (in Indonesian)
She is not a close friend, but we are in the small circle of religious group (which is the chat for). We're in good terms (until today), but certainly my response has offended her.
How should I respond when someone shared a news/article which I can then prove it's a hoax?
So far, no one responded to shares (only those relevant to our activity are commented), and usually the group is free from chit-chat. No one responded to my disagreement.
My goal is to communicate to members that sharing is encouraged, but first filter out hoaxes from the group. I am just a member. Contacting the group admin should only be a last resort, as I don't want this to be a rule. I want people to do themselves a favor, and educate themselves.
It's very easy to recognize these type of suspicious broadcast. Someone with a common sense should be able to recognize suspicious clues immediately. However, it seems a lot of sharers just hit share button without even finish reading it.
"I just don't like 'chain message' like that"
very much sends the latter message.