Every day, we are eating at a table of 10 people and there is a man that I like but who is not my friend, just a coworker that I only see during breaks who always comments on the food choices of other people.
Examples of what he can say:
"You should not be eating grapefruit, it's bad for you".
"Hey [random name], you're eating too much mayonnaise, your heart will fail"
"Fries every day? Seriously, are you trying to kill yourself?"
"Meat again? Oh boy, do you know that it is a bad habit"
More Information:
The funny part is that he is the only one that is fat at the table. Talking for myself, I think that breaks should be relaxing moments without negative comments. The problem is that I can't eat at another table as my manager always selects this table to let his engineers eat with their friends (including the man I'm talking about). So changing tables is not an option. Another "problem" is that he is the kind of person that doesn't like being told anything.
I've already told him that what I eat is my business, but he just said back "even if it's your problem, you should not be eating this".
He is 53, I'm 24.
What can I do to make him understand that he should not say anything like this in order to leave me (us?) in peace. Even if he is technically correct in his statements, I (we) would still prefer that he stop making comments on our meal choices.