Ok, here is my situation. I met this guy a few months ago, we met a couple of times (not dating, just as friends). We don't talk often but every once in a month or two he suggests that we would get together and hang out. Almost every time he reaches out we decide on a day but he never commits to a time and leaves me hanging all day waiting to hear from him and wondering if I should make other plans if I don't hear from him.
Same thing happened again yesterday, he told me that he wanted to watch a movie together and hear me play the guitar. I messaged him a few times during day hinting to let me know when he wanted to get together but I didn't want to come across as pushy or needy. He also often tends to text something and disappear for a while before responding again, which I find disrespectful.
At some point in the evening it was getting late and I gave up waiting and then he texted me with a lame excuse of why he can't make it. I texted him back and said that I already assumed that our plans had been canceled but he never even said anything back. I like this person but I also like being treated with respect and my time is important to me.
My question is, how do I set boundaries and let someone know that I can't make plans with them again because they are leaving me hanging, wasting my time and I can't sit around all day waiting without coming across as aggressive or rude?