I have a friend who I have been meeting every Sunday to communicate process in learning and job for a year.

About 2 months ago, he lost his enthusiasm for improvement. He is not providing new resources or insights and is just asking me for my new insights or my recommended books, movies, music etc. without any feedback in the next meeting.

We noticed the situation and he played tricks to meet every other week by saying he had a temporary task to do on Sunday.

I decided to break off the relationship completely to save my time a month ago.

He lives nearby and I often encounter him. How do I drop the friendship elegantly?


1 Answer 1


It sounds very much as though this is what he's trying to do to you - distance himself.

So, you just let these scheduled meetings slip, you form some other plans so that you don't have to have them, and make your ah-hoc encounters a casual Hi/Bye type of thing.

If he wants to continue with the structured meetings, it up to him to bring some commitment to the party.

  • Yes, he is playing a naive trick by pretending not caring the value our meeting provided and does not confront with the fact he is becoming a purely consumer instead of a supplier.When he appoints me, I am not willing to refuse with that trick.It's too obvious and seems stringy.
    – Wizard
    Dec 10, 2017 at 11:09
  • @Yumi So the only value in friendship you have is that one thing? I don't see why you're being so difficult about it then, clearly you don't consider him a friend. It doens't look like he cares that much either.
    – Sidar
    Dec 10, 2017 at 12:14
  • Your comment values a lot @Sidar
    – Wizard
    Dec 10, 2017 at 13:06
  • @Yumi I don't follow. You decided to completely break off the relationship but you seem to imply it hasn't? The way you describe friend here is more like an acquaintance. If you have broken off the "relationship" why are you asking for validation though? The only logical solution here is to stop caring and stop chasing it. The guy is actively trying to avoid your meetup.
    – Sidar
    Dec 10, 2017 at 13:15

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