I believe you are phrasing the problem incorrectly, you say you want more "Man" time because she expects "Us" time but actually, by allowing her to always determine what you watch/do, you are joining her during "Her" time. There are 2 problems with this.
- No "Me"/"Man" time
- No/Low Quality "Us" time
Everyone needs their personal time to do the things they enjoy, currently you are giving your partner your time and starting to resent her slightly for this, enough to ask strangers for help, presumably not enough to hurt your relationship. The longer this continues the worse the situation will become. She needs to know how you feel. As you are spending "Her" time together she likely considers this to be "Us" time (if you aren't enjoying it, it isn't) and so may not understand why you want so much personal time when she doesn't. The truth is that she's already getting more than her fair share.
But how to resolve this situation?
Option 1 - Normalisation
The effectiveness of this method will depend on how entrenched your current patterns of behaviour are. Essentially you simply start doing more things you want to do and get used to her looking bored. Be sure to give her the opportunity to do her things and watch her shows as well with an even a split as you can. You can do this gradually, pick a series you want to watch and watch it regularly. Once she is used to the idea that at a certain time you will be watching that series she will either find something else to do on her own or she will stay with you and watch it in spite of her preferences. Even if she looks agitated and bored, stick with it, you need balance to maintain a healthy relationship.
Option 2 - The Millennial Solution
You will often see young people glued to their phones even in the company of friends and may think that they aren't enjoying each others' company. The truth is that they are simply harnessing technology to solve this exact problem. By each enjoying the things they enjoy whilst being in one-another's company, they can share the highlights of their own activity making for quality "Us" time without losing their "Me" time. In other words, get a tablet or laptop and some earbuds so that you can watch your shows whilst staying in the same room as your partner. Don't cut yourself off entirely, be sure to have pauses for conversation, offer to make a brew and so on as you would normally. The "Me" time won't be great quality but it will exist in much better balance. You can then have regular quality "Us" time by having meals out or going for a walk together or other shared activity.
Option 3 - Hobbies
Encourage your partner to find other activities that she likes. Maybe a book club or wine tasting. This will be easier if you do the same. You only need one night a week to make a huge difference so don't go overboard and suggest loads of activities as that will make it seem like you want her out of the house (which admittedly you do) rather than you wanting her to enjoy herself (which you also do). I would also suggest finding a hobby that you can enjoy together to improve your "Us" time as well.
Option 4 - Communication
Already mentioned this earlier but I feel that it needs repeating. Tell her how you feel. I know you've already done this but it sounds like your focus was on her going out more rather than you choosing what to watch more often. She must decide if she is willing to put up with your choices or find something else to do, you can't dictate this, but you have to let her know that you need to be able to choose what to watch as often as she does. Remember that you aren't pushing her away here, she can still be right there with you if she wants, but that's her decision. She can always use Option 2 herself and occupy herself with a second device without leaving your side.
Ultimately you have helped to create this situation by setting the level of expectation, the "normal", and now you seek to change this to rebalance things in your favour. There will be resistance to this, it won't be easy and could take a long time, but the longer you let this continue, the more you will begin to resent it and by extension, her. For the sake of your relationship, get to work fixing the problem you helped cause.