Apologies for the large amount of run-up; the context feels very relevant:
My wife and I live in a 1930s block of flats in London. We are on the ground floor, of a staircase of 8 flats, so we're at least slightly familiar with (almost) everyone in the block. We own our flat, but I believe several of the flats are owned (effectively) by the council and are rented out as council flats. This block and the others on the rest of the estate around us are run by "BarnetHomes" on behalf of the council.
In the flat directly above ours, lives a lady whom we have never seen (in the 2 years we've lived there). We suspect that she is physically and/or mentally disabled, for a handful of reasons (some of which relate to other parts of question, hence listing them here):
- Never having seen her leave the flat.
- She's never answered her door when we've knocked (3-4 random times over the 2 years)
- She has a friend ("Ray") who visits her very regularly (I probably notice him come past 4+ times a week so it seems likely that he's visiting 5-6 times a week) and appears to bring her groceries with him each time.
- She has some sort of small yappie dog, which never leaves the flat either (we can hear his skittering on the floor above and barking, but never see it taken outside)
- In a previous (non-confrontational) conversation with Ray in which I was asking to come into the flat above, he responded with "Oh no, you can't do that; she doesn't like to have other people come into the flat".
- Comments from other flat-owners on the staircase that they think she's disabled in some way.
None of the above are conclusive, and some aspects are VERY circumstancial, but that's the context I'm working in.
As mentioned above, she has a small dog, and about a month ago, our fuse cupboard (basically a 50 cm deep closet) started to smell incredibly strongly of wet dog. It varies from day to day but at a minimum it's always strong enough that you can smell it if you sniff at the closed cupboard door, and at worst it's frequently strong enough that it actively bothers me 3-4 metres away from the (closed) cupboard.
The flats in the block are all laid out identically, so the main power lines running up to the flat above, with their fuse boxes, all lined up in a vertical column. We believe that there is an air channel running between her fuse cupboard and ours, and that the smell is coming down from her flat. We've previously had an issue with a leak from 3 flats above coming down through all of the fuse cabinets down the stair (yeah, I know ... leaks in the space running the electrics. Fun Times.)
A couple of weeks ago, I saw Ray passing and mentioned this smell and asked if I could come up to take a look to try to confirm the issue and see what options we (he and I) might have to resolve it.
As noted he refused the concept of me coming to take a look. He also refuted that there were any smells in her flat and said that maybe it was coming from the hall (it wasn't). I invited him to come in and smell the fuse cupboard to see if he had any advice. He came in and said he couldn't smell anything in the fuse cupboard. I think I believe that he couldn't smell anything, but he was wrong - it smelt bad.
Over Christmas I had asked 3 different people at different times to take a look in the fuse cupboard and give me their thoughts (with no other prompt). All 3 asked whether I was talking about the smell, so it's definitely not just me.
It's probably worth noting at this point that Ray appears to have terrible health. He's severely obese, has several missing teeth and awful looking gums and needs to rest for a bit before walking up the stairs whilst carrying his friend's groceries. I don't know whether he couldn't detect the smell because he'd just come down from the flat and had aclimated to the smell, or whether his health has simply damaged his sense of smell entirely.
Last week, out of curiosity I walked upstairs and quietly sniffed at the key hole of the flat above. It stank of the same wet dog smell. I would expect to be unwilling to spend more than a few minutes inside the flat, based on the smell.
What do I do now?
If they were any of the other neighbours, with whom I have more normal interactions, I would just go and talk to them and explain that it really is a problem, try to sort it out by discussing.
But I don't really know how to approach it in these particular circumstances.
I don't want to just leave it, because it's pretty unpleasant, and also because I would expect it to cause issues when we want to sell in another {however many years}.
Escalating up to BarnetHomes (whom are our Freeholders/management company and we assume are her Landlord/Freeholder too) seems like an unwise Nuclear option. But equally it seems like if we wait 9 months and then tell them that there has been a problem for ages, then I would expect them to say "why didn't you tell us previously?"
What is a sensible set of next steps to try to resolve this?
Escalating up to BarnetHomes seems like an unwise Nuclear option.
If you're advise isno, really, you need to escalate to the landlord. It's appropriate and proportionate
that's fine :)