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Questions tagged [travelling]

For situations that arise while travelling or planning travel. Please include cultural or location tags when the specific locale is relevant.

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4 votes
3 answers

How to politely tell my girlfriend to move out? (we hadn't actually agreed to live together)

I know the title sounds worse than it is, she's not that creepy to just move in with me out of the blue. But the thing is, I live very close to where she works, so when the occasion came for me to go ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 51
9 votes
1 answer

How to talk to someone crying alone in the airport? [closed]

I witnessed a lady bursting in tears while using the phone (I assume she was conversing with someone via text), at the gate. Particularly, this happened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was sitting on ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What cultural hints to be aware of when Jewish friends are staying at our place?

Note: I considered asking this at Mi Yodeya but it is really about how to deal with people and culture, more than about Judaism as a religion. We will have Jewish friends (from the US) staying at our ...
WoJ's user avatar
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1 answer

What I need to say to other team members while inviting an almost outlier for group tour?

I have a team of almost ten people, allotted by an institution (college). A person from the team (say PS) always used to stay with another team and is almost disconnected from us. Remaining nine ...
hanugm's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I explain a phobia when travelling to a non-English speaking country?

I considered putting this question into the Travel stackexchange but this issue feels like it's more to do with interpersonal skills and communication than actually travelling. I'm happy for it to be ...
Firaga's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to encourage people to not make/cancel travel plans based solely on my personal opinion?

I live in a city in the UK that is hosting some competitive sporting events in coming months. From my time at university and beyond, I have made a number of friends and acquaintances across the globe, ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Dealing with freedom problems with SO [closed]

I am a male 28yo, my SO is a girl 25yo. We've been together two years and a half. We've each compenetrated the other's lives, we think similar about a lot of things and in some other things we have ...
umbium's user avatar
  • 11
9 votes
2 answers

How do I politely tell someone I don't want them to meet a friend with me?

Background: I was good friends with someone for the better part of 7 years, lately we've been drifting apart but have to spend a long holiday together overseas in a few weeks. Cancelling is not an ...
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41 votes
6 answers

What's a good strategy to handle not wanting to talk much during a road trip?

When on a road trip it can be tiring to have to chat or talk the entire trip. I find long discussions draining and prefer to listen to music. It can also be distracting when you're driving. I was ...
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19 votes
4 answers

How to endure a holiday with a friend I've drifted apart from?

I’ve been friends with someone for a long while. We've taken a few trips together over the years. I feel like we've drifted apart, although I may be the only one that feels this as I actually think ...
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4 votes
4 answers

How to handle unexpected expenses during a road trip?

I took part in a 10 day road trip across several European countries, with a group of friends and acquaintances. We traveled with several cars, and were sharing the fuel costs. I took part several ...
vsz's user avatar
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108 votes
8 answers

How can I tactfully refuse to switch seats on flights?

On flights, seatmates (strangers near my seat) have asked me to swap my aisle seat (reserved in advance, sometimes paid for), usually to my disadvantage as their seat has some snag (dirtier, narrower, ...
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14 votes
6 answers

How can I convince my significant other that $1000 per night is too much for a hotel?

Recently, my significant other and I decided to travel to the Caribbean Sea. We already bought the airplane tickets and reserved the first hotel in one of the major cities. However, the last 4 days ...
Chaotic's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How to tell my uncle I don’t want to see his turtles at his turtle farm?

My uncle and I have a good relationship. He, unfortunately, lives in Colorado while I live in another state also in the U.S. Due to the distance, I don’t get to visit him very often, so when I get the ...
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83 votes
9 answers

How do I tell a friend I can't afford her wedding?

TL;DR – How do I tell a childhood friend that both my parents and I most likely cannot afford to travel for her wedding (to which I am to be a bridesmaid) without making her angry/defensive? ...
Gypsy's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to manage expectations around a vacation offer from family?

This is the most "first world" problem I've ever experienced, but I'm hoping some folks with similar experience might have some guidance. tl;dr: Wife's mother offered to pay for a big trip somewhere; ...
Alex's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How could I ask a stranger to take a photo of me while traveling?

I always travel alone, so it is not possible to take a photo of myself except selfies. Some of my friends also travel alone, yet they frequently upload non-selfie photos of themselves on SNS. I asked ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

As an American abroad, how do I know when cheek-kissing is an appropriate way to say goodbye?

The generic question Traveling abroad as an American, especially in Europe, how can I know when I'm expected to cheek-kiss someone as a parting gesture? Is the rule different for men and women? How ...
RaceYouAnytime's user avatar