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added details from comments and rephrased slightly
Em C
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How to calm a person's fears about using a taxi to find and travel to work?

An acquaintance needs to find a decent-paying job in her field, because she and her husband have no savings and her husband has a life expectancy of around two years. She is 50 and they have two teenagers. The family has expenses of $60K/year, but he earns less than that so has been getting money from me and friends. I don't have enough money to support the family after he dies. She had a well-paying job in the human resources field up until she got married and moved out of the city.

She doesn't drive (she has taken the driver test and failed), and there are no relevant jobs near her house. (There are retail jobs nearby, but she says the sidewalks are dangerously icy in the winter. This also prevents her from getting to a bus stop.) She doesn't want to use a taxi or Uber or Lyft. As she puts it, "I won't get into a stranger's car". No examples were offered about issues getting into taxis in the past.

How can I talk to her about these fears, and encourage her to step outside her comfort zone so she can get a job?

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