The misspelling of your name is indeed annoying, and may indicate a lack of attention on his part. I would point that out and ask him to do a better job next time.

Not making a reservation on Valentine's may simply stem from not having too much experience with exactly how busy/booked restaurants typically get on that day of the year, however, and may not necessarily be attributable to any particular failing on his part.

I would like to dissect your expectations a little bit, however. You're very keen on the fact that he didn't get you roses or chocolates. 

You guys barely know each other (2 months is not a long time-frame in a serious relationship). Roses are seriously marked up this time of year (in south Ontario a $13 bouquet goes for almost $50 on Valentine's). Perhaps this young man simply doesn't have the finances to spoil you the way you see done in movies. That's the way it often is in the real world.

He still got you a gift, and tried to take you out to dinner, which is a financial sacrifice on his part, and very thoughtful. Sure, the execution left something to be desired, but who's to say that this time next year he wouldn't try to do a lot better?

Your inclination to part ways with him simply because he isn't spoiling you says more about your personality than his, really. One might even inquire if you got him so much as a cactus in return for a dinner out on the town. 

Now, I don't want to be judgmental, but I am suggesting that not showering you in gifts after only 2 months of dating is not quite the slap in the face you're making it out to be, and that there are perhaps other, better, indicators of whether you should continue to date him or not.


Something that I came to realize as I matured is that it's not necessarily the gestures on special events (such as on Valentine's / your birthday) that matter most in life, but the little day to day things. 

Does he make you laugh? Carry your backpack for you? Open the door? Does he demonstrate caring and understanding on a day to day basis in a million little ways? (this will differ from person to person, and culture to culture)

A jerk who gives you a fancy gift on Valentine's is not worth putting up with if he treats you like garbage on a daily basis. Whereas a guy who treats you nicely, and makes your day better 363 days out of 365 can be forgiven for not making a restaurant reservation on day 364.