You can make one more hail-mary attempt at reasoning with this person. Find a time to sit down with her and try to calmly explain the seriousness of the situation; that you can't sleep due to her activities at night and it is affecting your work/life/etc. Ask her if she would be willing to make some reasonable accommodation, like wearing headphones when she is watching videos and closing her door when she wants to talk on the phone. These are very small requests and any reasonable person would grant them, but she doesn't sound like a reasonable person; if a visit from the police did not alert her to the seriousness of the situation, I don't believe there is any way you could phrase your request that would get through to her. Have you considered a white noise app for your phone? This should drown out a lot of the outside noise without disturbing your sleep or anyone else in the apartment. You can set it to time out before your alarm goes off so it doesn't interfere with your morning. I think this will be the best solution until you can change your living situation. Good luck!