Source is this twitter thread: Excerpt: > She said that the guy who appeared to be the unofficial group leader started talking about one of the (very few) female conference speakers like a piece of meat. The other guys jumped in and described the many (specifics were very shocking) things they would do to her. > One even made rape "jokes" (which are obviously NEVER okay). When in such company, I would just leave the conversation, after taking in how repulsive this kind of attitude is. But that doesn't make them understand that this is just not ok. So the question is: how to be assertive in these circumstances. This 'unofficial group leader' seems to express such things to (re)establish his leadership position. At that point, the others in the group are already determined to be no match for him (at least in the leaders' mind). One way of addressing him, could be: "Now I see how you are still single" or "wow, your girlfriend must be really happy with you" (depending on the situation). Although that's just passive aggressive, and will not result in a constructive "hey, this way you are talking reveals that you are actually not respecting women at all, you should revise how you look at women." - What is the real reason this guy is acting this way? (I suppose I have some idea about it, but please elaborate) - Given that we know or assume to understand the reason why he talks this way, how to best address this guy and/or group, to get them to understand what they are doing? (If anyone has better tag suggestions, I'm a bit at a loss.)