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Results tagged with boundaries
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user 61
This tag should be used when boundaries (either yours or someone else's) play a major role in the situation at hand. This could involve questions about how to respect other people's boundaries, how to handle overstepping someone's boundaries, establishing your own boundaries, or handling someone who has overstepped your boundaries.
How to handle someone who repeatedly returns to previously-discussed points in conversations?
I have some people like this in my personal life and I handle it by using the accoutrements of a business meeting. Chief among these is some sort of shared document. It might be a google doc you can b …
How do I ask my friend to stop doing inappropriate things to me?
You don't mention how old you are, but I see this sort of thing often among teenagers, who are still working out their judgement about how far is too far and so on. Clearly, what A is doing has gone t …
How do I keep in touch with a friend without spending long amounts of time with him?
Try getting together to do a specific thing. Go for a run or a walk. Play board games or cards, at your place or his: either two-person games or invite him along with some other people. If you have to …
Helping my mom accept that I can't be available as much as she wants
I am going to recommend you stop saying sorry. There are two reasons for this:
it is always followed by "but", which negates it. "Sorry, but that's how my life is right now" isn't really an apology …
How do you ask friends not to be so hard on you?
I think bringing it up after the fact is likely to lead to an argument where they say they were trying to help, or it wasn't that bad, or you were asking for their advice, or other justifications for …
How to (politely) tell someone they are not welcome in your home
Many people in this world face this exact dilemma: a child they love and adore can only be dropped off by someone they can't stand the sight of and don't want to speak to at all. It's more common when …
How to stop friends from coming in my holiday house?
Try to focus on the positive parts of their requests:
they are requests. While "Can I come and visit you?" is direct, and puts you on the spot, at least it's not "I am coming to visit you Aug 13th" …
How to enforce a "No Shoes" policy in my apartment?
My dentist handles this by handing people slippers as they arrive on rainy days. I think you can adapt the technique quite well. Get a variety of soft loose slippers with nonslip soles somewhere inexp …
How do I gently reject an indecent proposal?
I think you handled it perfectly. First, a long silence. This is the best way to indicate to someone that their joke, suggestion, comment or whatnot is over some sort of line and not ok. Second, a jok …
How do I politely explain to my neighbour that I don't feel comfortable being alone with her...
If I understand correctly, your issue is you being in Jane's house (with or without your children, for any length of time at all) if your wife is not in your house or otherwise nearby. I am not sure w …
Girlfriend's nosy mother keeps expressing that she'll show up unannounced
When we were training our dog, in the section under barking, the book claimed that you can't teach a dog not to bark until you have first taught the dog to bark. This establishes that the barking is s …
How to politely communicate to your manager that what they did upset you and ask that it doe...
You and Mary both seem to be assuming that the conversation between the customer and the manager went like this:
That girl at the counter sure is pretty. I'd like to ask her out. Can you call her ove …
How to deal with an annoying front passenger?
I faced this with someone my own age who, no matter how much we discussed this, could not be a polite passenger. We're talking bracing yourself against the dashboard as we go around a corner, mashing …