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7 votes

How should I confess my feelings to a teammate I'm falling for?

If your goal is to get your feelings for your teammate off your chest and move on, your plan is fine. As well, if you've seen signs that she is reciprocating your feelings for her, your plan is fine. ...
Guest name's user avatar
2 votes

How to Re-establish Professional Boundaries with a Coworker?

TL;DR: re-establish rules that separate professional and private life. Explain why it had to be, on a professional level, and the benefits for all of you. You let the two merge and you now need to ...
OldPadawan's user avatar
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2 votes

How to tactfully respond to compliments when I don't feel I deserve them?

It's not always easy to accept compliments… I'm an amateur musician, and sometimes after a performance, people express their gratitude by telling me that I'm so talented, that I play/sing so well, and ...
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