Recovering from stumbling over words
Short answer: Personally, my reactions to messing up a word vary from nothing to immediate (but not exclaiming) correction, depending on the kind of word I messed up, how much I messed it up, and the ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
I too am a verified geek. I even went through high school with a briefcase and pocket protector. To compound the problem my family moved very frequently (attended 13 public schools, from 21 addresses, ...
How to talk to my teacher after my valedictorian speech script was altered beyond recognition?
You do not want to trouble the teacher and that's nice of you...
...but he/she is troubling you and this is worth at least an attempt to fix
...and you won't have the chance to trouble him/her ...
Recovering from stumbling over words
When you have to talk to a large audience, in front of people, whether you know them or not, it's important to use some tricks that
will make you feel better because you know you handle the speech ...
How to deal with rude interruptions in a seminar?
Generally hecklers at a seminar are rare. When I help people speak publicly, I tell them a couple things: the audience wants to see you succeed, not fail; the audience hopes more than anything else ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
On top of other answers that give great advice like practice/rehearse in front of friends, here's what I started doing when I had to talk in front of people...
When I first had to give a presentation ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
I took a public speaking course when I got into high school & it helped immensely. If you don't want to take a class, maybe ask some of the English teachers to assist you on listening to things ...
How to talk to my teacher after my valedictorian speech script was altered beyond recognition?
This is very late on my part, but since it may still be relevant: Life is full of difficult decisions. You might not WANT to deliver that speech but you did it in the end. You might not WANT to ...
Recovering from stumbling over words
I stumble over my words often and use a mix of techniques, usually i try to repeat the word with better pronunciation preceded by a small introduction word such as "sorry", "i meant&...
How can I get across "Stop making fun of the way I talk!"
I was mocked for having an English accent when I first moved to Canada. I was younger than you are, and it was really upsetting. I can't control how I speak! In my case I lost the accent very quickly ...
What is this speaking method?
This is indeed a known rhetorical technique and it is called conduplicatio. Basically any repetition, whether at the start of sentences or the end of them, will be conduplicatio.
I discovered this ...
Recovering from stumbling over words
Usually, I say "or rather", which flows very nicely in the sentence, and is proper enough to be used in novels.
We had pengrates, or rather pancakes, with stawberries.
Since it's technically ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
I would recommend a simple guide you would need to practice, which helps from day 1:
What helped me to canalize the nervousness was to hold an item on the hands, it can be a pen or a paper, but this ...
How to talk to my teacher after my valedictorian speech script was altered beyond recognition?
It's a few days after the graduation, and this is how I dealt with it.
I did give the speech
I simply had to. There was nobody else that was going to give the speech and I don't want to put my ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
You actually seem to be a very good presenter who understands how to present. You're not creating boring walls of text on PowerPoint - you're using them as aids to supplement your presentation, and ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
At High School, I was totally unconfident at public speaking, getting "F"s (failing grades, not the other kind) in every speech I ever gave, relying on Cue-cards to get me through, and still stumbling,...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
All great suggestions above. I am 53, a geek, and I still am challenged by presentations. Here are a few more ideas:
Tell yourself you are not nervous, you are excited to present your material. ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
How can I calm myself down as I'm speaking?
I shook like crazy in my first speech in junior high and quickly became the butt of all my classmates jokes. It sucked bad. I learned 2 ways to deal with ...
How to deal with rude interruptions in a seminar?
It looks like B is renowned for this behaviour and C has repeatedly witnessed it and is fed up as well. If the two of you are peers or you're in a higher position, you can anticipate it with a comment ...
How to deal with rude interruptions in a seminar?
You're clearly annoyed by his interruptions. And from your story it seems some others are too. I leave it up to your judgment whether his behavior is actually rude.
You might want to consider his ...
How to deal with rude interruptions in a seminar?
You said B is in a higher position than the rest in a comment (if I understood that correct). Now, it really depends on the setting. B might be just trying to optimize the usage of time, because the ...
What is this speaking method?
In addition to conduplicatio as Kate's answer says, another relevant rhetorical technique is parallelism.
It can be a subtle difference to spot, and these techniques are by no means exclusive. ...
How can I get across "Stop making fun of the way I talk!"
Make a joke, so instead of them laughing at you, they're laughing with you.
You can say something satirical to make light of the situation, such as:
Contrary to what you might believe, people in the ...
How do I pitch a message for a Fraternity Election?
Sincerity is very persuasive, and it sounds like you sincerely want to serve and leave something behind for this fraternity you're a part of. I would incorporate those desires into your speech. In ...
How do I pitch a message for a Fraternity Election?
I have several contingency plans to suggest for your entertainment:
I bachelored at UNLV and served on the senate for both of my colleges. Since your position is a little history, photography and ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
I hope I'm not being redundant when I say focus on breathing. Stress can cause us to forget to breathe or hyperventilate and either will alter the chemistry of the brain. Seeing red is the end ...
How can I calm myself down when giving a presentation?
I find this situation very relatable. It is easy to practice, making pointers for each slide, and prepare in every way possible but when it's time to give the presentation, the heart starts pounding ...
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