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77 votes

How to befriend someone who doesn't like to talk?

I'm not much of a talker myself and my father isn't either. However, every Saturday my father will ask me to come grocery shopping with him and I will agree (even though I no longer live at my parent ...
Ael's user avatar
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53 votes

How can I convince my brother to take up programming?

My gut feeling is that your brother might never become interested in programming. He might seem interested, but I believe it is still a means-to-an-end for him at this stage (I want to make a game, ...
PhrozenSky's user avatar
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31 votes

Is it possible for my friend to resume communication with his unofficial sister without earning her husband's mistrust?

People from different cultures have different customs and values. That is a reality. In India, many women are second-class citizens, and that's also a reality that must be dealt with in any answer ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
29 votes

Which pitfalls should I watch out for when meeting my half-brother who hasn't been aware of my existence for 25 years?

The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Even though these people are genetically related to you, you're a stranger to them. And that genetic link may well mean less to them ...
AndreiROM's user avatar
  • 17.1k
29 votes

How to talk to my brother about a shared interest in pornographic furry material?

Is this question purely about furry pornography? Seems like approaching from a less explicitly sexual angle may accomplish the same goal without as much potential for embarrassment or awkwardness. ...
apaul's user avatar
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27 votes

How can I convince my brother to take up programming?

TL;DR You cannot convince your brother to take up programming. Programming is hard, tedious, and requires a certain type of brain to find any sort of fulfillment in programming. I think that you are ...
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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21 votes

How to befriend someone who doesn't like to talk?

Let him listen Some quiet people don't necessarily need silence. They like conversations; they just don't want to contribute. So rather than asking him questions, try just telling him things. It's ...
Brythan's user avatar
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19 votes

How to set boundaries to a younger sister who wants to live in my house?

Give her a goal for departure My in-laws are saints and open their house up to a lot of men who were recently released from prison. They let them stay for a while and help them find a job, participate ...
BlackThorn's user avatar
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19 votes

How to befriend someone who doesn't like to talk?

My father does not talk (or when he talks socially he is quite awkward). He is a brilliant guy with a huge knowledge, it is just that he does not want and does not know how to chat. He met a new ...
WoJ's user avatar
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17 votes

Confronting my girlfriend's sister about trying to cuddle with us

You and the sister of your girlfriend belong to different world. Her world is her family world. Your world is with your girlfriend. The meeting point of these 2 worlds is your girlfriend. In my ...
Astariul's user avatar
  • 448
17 votes

How to convince family to accept my choice?

To answer the question in the title: You can't. You can't make people feel how you would like. They choose how to react. Post-edit answer: You can't. You might not be able to convince them and they ...
SZCZERZO KŁY's user avatar
16 votes

Is it possible for my friend to resume communication with his unofficial sister without earning her husband's mistrust?

Even in American culture, a male friend whose presence has been hidden from a husband would seem very suspicious suddenly appearing several years later. If he does decide to contact her, I would ...
Jessica M's user avatar
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16 votes

How to handle a younger sibling being verbally bullied, with sometimes racist remarks, at school?

Make racist remarks back at him? NOPE. When they go low, you don't. You have two equally valid options remaining: Tell the teacher. or Ignore him. If this is a one-off retaliation after he got the ...
NVZ's user avatar
  • 10.2k
16 votes

How to deal with distracting siblings?

Siblings that age -- especially the teenagers -- are probably not going to listen to you. They won't see you as an authority figure (you're only a year older than the oldest one), but unless they're ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
15 votes

How can I tell my brother to stop giving me condoms for my birthday?

There are three ways that I've tried to get people to stop doing stuff. The first is to ask them to stop. That sometimes works; more often than not the other party says "Hey, that bothers ...
baldPrussian's user avatar
  • 32.3k
14 votes

My parents are going to disinherit me. Is there any good strategy to try to change their mind?

All things considered, it would be unfair for your parents to NOT leave him everything. Don't you see? He lives nearby, you don't. He has time, you don't. They'll get older, they'll need a lot of help....
Duke Leto's user avatar
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12 votes

How to handle a younger sibling being verbally bullied, with sometimes racist remarks, at school?

Option 2 seems to be the most viable option. But I have a story that I think you'll appreciate. I am from India. Attended school in India. Bullying is a big thing in India, but never something ...
Crazy Cucumber's user avatar
11 votes

How can I convince my brother to take up programming?

I am a programmer working in the games industry, so I have plenty of experience with people trying to get me to make their game ideas. In an industry where pretty much everyone has more ideas than ...
Zoë Graystone's user avatar
11 votes

How to Deal With Asking Out A Friend's Sister

Well, sounds like you're interested in your friend's little sister and it also sounds like you're pretty set on pursuing a relationship. So... Let's take a moment to examine what sort of ...
apaul's user avatar
  • 54.9k
11 votes

How can I ask my brother to stop saying "future sister in law" when referring to his girl of interest?

It sounds like it bothers you that your brother is heavy-handedly trying to get you to bond with his significant others by using terms that suggest their relationship is stronger than it actually is (...
scohe001's user avatar
  • 15.2k
10 votes

Is it possible for my friend to resume communication with his unofficial sister without earning her husband's mistrust?

Writing my comment as an answer on OP's request. Answer given by anongoodnurse is completely on the right track. Her last line reads "I hope someone more familiar with your culture can offer a better ...
NVZ's user avatar
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10 votes

How to repair my relationship with my sister?

You are putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself. I too have siblings that are very busy/stressed etc. It's my responsibility to always be available for them but it's their responsibility to ...
Prince Campbell's user avatar
9 votes

How can I convince my brother to take up programming?

I am experiencing the same exact thing with my roommate. I am a programmer and he is not. He never wants to learn anything about game development, but always wants to create a game: Your brother isn'...
A.B.'s user avatar
  • 210
9 votes

Which pitfalls should I watch out for when meeting my half-brother who hasn't been aware of my existence for 25 years?

Something similar happened to us lately. In the 1960s my next-eldest sister, who was a teenager, disappeared for a few months and came back thinner. We smaller ones did not think this was special, but ...
RedSonja's user avatar
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9 votes

How can I safely talk with my sister about her health?

My 2 cents: I have and currently am in the same boat as your sister. My mom is extremely athletic, but my dad and sister are also extremely not. I grew up doing varisty everything and like your sister,...
ggiaquin16's user avatar
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9 votes

Asking my sister to show less display of affection to her SO in public

I don't think that asking your sibling who is at the height of the 'honeymoon period' of her romance to stop being so affectionate or stop using pet names for her fiancé is likely to significantly ...
Meg's user avatar
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8 votes

How to help sister not over-dose on video games like I did?

Unfortunately it is becoming the norm for children (and adults) to spend a substantial amount of time using phones, tablets,...etc. What you can do to help your sister is to invite her to participate ...
sf02's user avatar
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8 votes

How to properly tell others that forgetting something doesn't mean I don't care about them?

In reading your question, I see one very important thing: you are over-committed. I ran into this issue when I was in Graduate School as well. The first thing is to decide your priorities and focus ...
baldPrussian's user avatar
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