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Nov 7, 2017 at 16:19 comment added Cronax In my country, even straight people go to pride events as for them it's a good excuse to dress up in silly outfits and have a party and they get to support a cause to boot. If pride events have more stigma in your country, it may be a lot harder to get someone to come along. I definitely agree with introducing someone whom you think might be on the fence to people who are openly 'non-standard' as a way of showing that it's okay and they would be accepted if they were to come out. At worst, it's a fun social outing and at best you give someone the courage they needed.
Sep 4, 2017 at 4:01 comment added apaul @Kevin I'm mostly introverted too. When I go to events I'm more there to support the community and people watch. I mentioned an event because they usually offer a wider view of what's out there and can help some people open up to the idea that it's ok and that they're definitely not alone. Give it a shot sometime, they really are fun.
Sep 4, 2017 at 3:50 comment added Kevin I recently started dating my same-sex SO, and wasn't able to fully come out even to myself until about a year ago. Now, I'm mostly comfortable in my sexuality. But I have to admit that I still don't know that I would enjoy going to a pride event - not because I'd be ashamed to be at one, but because that's not my personality. I'm an introvert, so I don't get a lot of energy from big crowds, and even though I'm comfortable being gay/bi at this point, I don't consider it the defining trait of my sexuality or my personality. So this advice would have potentially backfired if used on me.
Sep 1, 2017 at 20:58 comment added apaul @Vylix definitely tell them upfront. "Hey, we're going to the Pride parade in downtown next week, want to come with?"
Sep 1, 2017 at 20:54 comment added Vylix By "inviting to a pride event", how do you phrase it? I mean, should you hide that it is a Pride event or tell it upfront?
Sep 1, 2017 at 19:03 history answered apaul CC BY-SA 3.0