Occasionally I hear or encounter "it's because I'm <historically oppressed quality>" as a response to an objectionable request to the claimant. The claimant is usually a minor who in my experience is 1.) Not very respectful in general and 2.) Not old enough to really remember when requests/demands typically were because they were <quality> as a primary reason. They are using this tactic because they apparently have no reasonable response to the request, but don't want to comply or want to be contrary.
At this point, in the claimant has derailed the conversation past the point of the request, and any negative thing said to the claimant will be because they are <quality>, with no regard to what was going on. Ex: If I ask the neighbor kids to turn down their music, it's no longer about the fact that the music is disruptive to both my sanity and my windows, it's now about their <quality>. How can I respond to this claim while still maintaining composure and the upper hand?
Edit in response to @Catija with the reason I'm asking: Yesterday I asked my the teenaged children of my neighbor, who are black (I am white), to turn down their garage stereo in the evening (they use the garage as a recreational area). They turned it down, but soon after the request they turned it back up again. I returned slightly more irritated and reminded them not everyone was on summer break, to which they responded "It's because we're black isn't it". This is in Kansas. At this point I felt like I had no possible response.
At the same time, I've also heard (in the same vein) "it's because I'm a woman" and "you're doing this because I'm gay". I could easily extrapolate this behavior to any given minority group.
I tried adding a few tags that I feel could be helpful, but they aren't included as part of this stack. "Bigotry" and "Respect" are both missing and I can't find any synonyms. Could a more veteran user tag this question appropriately?