Wife and I raise our kid together. Most of time it works fine, but it's very hard to change those of her behavior that I find unacceptable.
Let'sFor example - let's say she does the cooking. She's been liberal on eating time, having. Sometimes she'll have dinner ready at 5pm one day and 9pm another day. It's ok for me cosbecause I can eat myself. But, but I want her to have dinner ready at say 7pm every day for the kid. Now
However, every time I raise this issue to her, she'll get angry and refuses to cook the next day, "yousaying that "if you want that then you do it yourself". As the argueargument becomes worse, she'll simply lock herself in the room and leave the kid entirely to me for a whole day "as a punishment".
What's the best strategy to ask someone to improve their job while relying on them to do it?