For most of my life, I have had problems keeping up with eating "normal" amounts of food at meals. I feel full way faster than many friends. I still eat enough, as I am not even considered underweight by official definition (it's close, though). I feel fine and healthy, and I have come to terms with the fact that I can't eat much.
The thing is that every now and then, people are very concerned by my eating habits and think that it can't be healthy. They (mostly coworkers, new friends. Not family) seem to take pity on me and I can't convince them that I am fine and there is nothing to worry about.
Once a coworker brought some muffins to work and especially for me he also brought a vegetable dip because he thought I wasn't able to eat a whole muffin (or eat normal lunch afterwards). Now don't get me wrong, I think that was very nice and accommodating of him. But 1) I would have loved a muffin and 2) I don't want anyone to go through extra troubles like this for me. I felt pressured to take some dips. the question is not about this anecdote. this is only an example
How can I be more persuasive when assuring people that I am perfectly fine and healthy, and that they do not need to worry?
coworkers / friends understand that I am eating enough, am healthy, and do in no way suffer. They do not take pity on me because they think I have some severe eating disorder.
What I've tried so far:
- Explain the situation when I leave food on the plate, and also stating that all is fine and there is no need to worry. This works for some people, but many do not really believe me when I say that.
- Make jokes about it. My friends, family and myself sometimes joke about it, and I am totally fine with that. When someone makes a joke about it, it shows that they are not really worried about my eating. In the end, this is what I try to achieve.
- Repeatedly reassuring them that I am fine. This works after some iterations, but I would prefer to convince them at the first interaction.
further information:
- I am a 26 year old male, living in Switzerland
- I do not know exactly why I can't eat so much. I was tested for several food intolerances, all tests were negative.
- I am not looking for medical advice, leave this to me and my doctor.
- My BMI is 19 (a BMI under 18.5 is considered underweight). I do not know my RMR.