I am doing an internship in Tokyo and share my flat with two Chinese women. They speak only Chinese and Japanese, I speak only English and some other European languages, and my Japanese is not sufficient for everyday conversation yet.
We did some small talk using Google Translate, but I don't know how to interact with them on a daily basis. They come from work quite late in the evening and cook and eat together, and I feel really awkward, because I don't know if I should join them and if they consider me rude if I do so, or if they consider me rude if I just stay in my room.
They asked me if I wanted to share their food once and I declined because I had already eaten, but now I wonder if that was rude, too. I spend way too much time worrying about that and I would enjoy my time in Tokyo much more if I wouldn't feel so awkward in my flat all the time.
Does anyone have an idea how to navigate this situation?