Example situation
Let's suppose Peter and John are arguing about something via instant messaging chat (nobody is getting angry, but John gets way too fast and misinterprets what Peter said):
Peter: I believe step 1 can be easily replaced by more efficient algorithm
John: I'm afraid the interface does not suit our needs (doesn't have anything to do with step 1, completely disregards it)
Peter: I specifically mentioned the step 1, which seems unrelated to the implementation.
What should John say now, Given that John is in a bad shape, e.g. lack of sleep, tiredness?
My approach
I would say:
John: I apologize for missing the context, I'm not in a good shape these days.
Is this a good idea? When I have done this, people have said that they didn't find it offending at all, though my guess is that it is mutual politeness. Would situation change if it would be verbal communication instead of texting?
John and Peter are in work relationships, or possibly they are two SE network users (excluding overcrowded sites like SO). As a result, each side has no idea what country the other is from.
Of course, the best way would be to go to sleep, but I spend most of my time on SE, as I find it more entertaining and fun than anything else. I gain invaluable skills too.