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For questions that involve talking on the phone with someone.

59 votes

Who should identify themself first on the phone: the caller or the person called?

If you are the caller, it's required that you give your introductions unless they are known colleagues and relatives. From Phone Etiquette by Hiltmon: It is the caller’s responsibility to ensure …
A J's user avatar
  • 7,710
6 votes

How can I ask (or determine) if someone on the phone is human without offending them?

Is there a polite way to ask if someone is a real person? Well, you can ask something like, This may sound a bit strange, but may I know whether I am talking to a real person or not? Gener …
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3 votes

How can I get out of a phone appointment for a service I no longer feel comfortable in having?

It's not a good idea to give your Tax File Number over phone to someone. First think if you really need that service or not. If you don't, then tell them politely that I don't need this. Be firm but n …
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