I have an university course in which I (Software Engineering) was assigned to a group of close-knit friends of a business career. Lastly, it has been impossible to work with them, since:
- They have unreasonable expectations about the work I can perform in a frame of time. E.g. Having the MVP of an app and a web dashboard from 9pm to 5pm of the next day.
- They define unreasonable responsibilities from me. Eg. When we discussed about the project, they expect I should guess and ace every one of the features they expect to see. After a week of polling them (4 of them, in the group chat) with messages asking them to review the Minimum Valuable Product (an app), I have gotten no review of the features. Furthermore, they have threatened to remove me of the group if they are not "satisfied" with the output when given to the teachers
- They expect an unreasonable prioritization of the course from me. When I took part in an international 24 hours programming contest representing my university during a weekend and explained that I would not be able to work or communicate during that time, I was met with "We want solutions, not excuses". Which would be a reasonable answer from my boss, but not from peers, since we should be seeking for consensus and not unilateral efforts.
- They are four close-knit friends, so they are majority and act in a dictatorial way.
How can I communicate to my group that I'm not happy with the way the team is currently working? I have even considered working all alone, but that would be too much of a burden to me. If moving to another group were possible I would do so, but I don't think it is (we are already mid-term, every group needs an engineer). Anyways, I would ask the professor for that change as last resort.