TLDR: I'd like to be able to use mirroring online, similar to how I do this in person, and change my communication style online so that it will be more well-received by people, and be more similar to the way I am perceived in person.
So, I'm level 1 autistic (Aspergers) and I notice that I struggle a lot with mirroring people online, and people tend to perceive my mirroring / directness online as being condescending, whereas in person people perceive me as joyful, supportive, and kind.
What is myMy goal?:
How doWhat I maskdo in person?:
How doWhat I masktry to do online?:
How can I do similar mirroring online to my mirroring in person?
Honestly, I have no idea.
I truly do not know how to bridge this communication gap between the way I'm perceived in person, compared to the way I'm perceived online, and this is why I'm asking the question.
Things I have tried:
I truly believe this comes from a difference in communication styles where my only choice is to be direct and focused on details; where as neurotypical people sometimes see directness as a threat. I truly do not know how to bridge this communication gap between the way I'm perceived in person, compared to the way I'm perceived online, and this is why I'm asking the question.
TLDR: How can I change my communication styledo mirroring online so that it will be more well-received by people, and be more similar to the way I am perceivedmy mirroring in person?