So the title already gives some major details, but I’d like to evaluate further, to explain the situation better.
I’m currently working on a short-term job, ending next week. The commute to this workplace partly corresponds with that of said woman, though we board at different stops.
If you had to ask me what I know about her, I would have to admit that I know nothing. She seems interesting, dresses neatly, seems educated, and admittedly I like how she looks. So I’m judging a book by its cover, not knowing the contents. I know this may be pretty odd. But in any case, it would be nice to get to know her. Of course I realise that in doing so, my judgement may change and realise that we are simply very different.
Now, I want to do this in a very non-intrusive manner. Certainly not on the bus, with so many people around. We however get off on the same stop. Engaging in conversation on the bus is a no-go too, since she always has headphones on. Being in our 20s a note seems childish too.
Your opinions are highly appreciated! Cheers
Addition #1: I never successfully asked someone out directly. This makes me usually very nervous in a very obvious manner. Also, I’m leaving for a couple of weeks soon and when I return my commute may change (new job location etc) - so no guarantee that I’ll get many chances after next week! Maybe I should have though about this sooner...