I am uncomfortable interacting with babies because I personally don't find them cute or interesting to interact with. I also am not good at faking positive interactions with babies, because I really just don't know how to act with them. I'm not good at making the 'baby voice' or making silly faces.
I realize that perhaps I should get better at interacting with babies, but I personally feel like this is not something I should have to deal with when I am at work (since I do not work as a babysitter). But co-workers often bring a baby to work out of necessity (which I understand), and it sparks this immediate change in everyone's behavior: people stop what they are doing to gush over the baby, to take turns holding it and interacting with it, and telling the parent how cute it is. All of this seems like it is socially important because literally, everyone does it except me. And I think the parent can sense my discomfort, because I have had the awkward experience of the parent taking the baby around the room to be held by everyone, and just skipping past me without saying anything. Part of me was relieved because I didn't have to interact with the baby, but part of me felt embarrassed and alienated because everyone else was approached.
I really don't feel like participating in any of this, and even if I wanted to, I think I would appear very awkward if I attempted interacting with the baby. But at the same time, I feel as if I am being rude by ignoring the baby, and I feel like something is wrong with me because I am not excited to see the baby. I also feel like people judge me and think maybe I am not very nice because I wasn't interested in the baby. I don't want my co-workers to think I am a weird baby-hater. Does anyone have tips on how to respond when a baby shows up at work, and I am not a baby person? Do I just need to try harder to interact with the parent and baby, or is there a way to back out of these interactions that won't make me seem rude or weird?
PS I kind of understand how my coworkers feel when a baby shows up because I DO feel that way if a dog shows up. I will stop whatever I am doing to play with the dog, and I am always happy when a dog shows up at work. I just don't feel that way about babies.