While my mother is usually extremely understanding of my choices in life, there is one choice on which she cannot agree, and it is my decision not to have children.
Each time the subject comes to the table, it leads to an argument as she loves having grandchildren (both my elder sisters are mothers, and she expects me to become a father down the line).
I have tried to explain to her my point of view :
- I can't stand children, and I don't know how to act towards them.
- I wish to focus on my own life, goals, and hobby and don't want to spend time taking care of a child.
- I do not want the responsibilities that come with being a father.
Those are my reasons not to have a child and my SO shares that point of view.
I have also tried to dismiss the subjet when it appears.
But each time a discussion starts about children, we come under fire and they usually give arguments such as "you'll want children later" or "you'll love children when you have some".
So my question is: How can I get my mother to support our choice, even if she does not agree with it?
We're in France and everyone concerned is French.
Note : this question is close to the question How can I tell people that my girlfriend and I don't want children of our own? but different. They're question focuses on being able to announce that decision without being rude. Here I am trying to find a way to get someone who already knows about our decision to be more supporting of it.