So this is the age-old situation with a modern take on it, my girlfriend is asking me to stop following certain girls on instagram. It just happened like this and I'm scared this becomes a slippery slope where some demands become more and more authoritative.
We've been together for a year and a half at this point. We're very close to moving in together (that happens next week). I know she's been under a lot of stress for that reason and her personal situation until now, and we've had quite an increase in amount of arguments for the last few weeks as she seems to have difficulties coping with her stress. I tend to be patient and stress is not really something that affects me, although I do understand what it's like. I'm always trying to get her to talk to me of what truly is on her mind, and I know she's doing great efforts there.
So now she just called me while I'm working, and asked me to unfollow that girl I've travelled with on a few occasions (ridesharing). So far I've cut short to the discussion and told her we'd talk about it after work.
But truth to the matter is, I don't like where this is going. We've had many conversations on how important it is to trust each other, and not to try and control the other person. I feel like her asking me this is again a lack of trust towards me.
I don't want to cave in on that demand, as I'm scared it could lead to more unreasonable requests and I think those are unhealthy in an otherwise perfect relationship.
How could I tell her that this sort of request is unwarranted in a healthy relationship and make her understand that she can trust me? Or otherwise, make sure that if she has any fears, she should mention them right away instead of scape-goating them on such demands ?
I've already had a few conversations about this topic, but I see this still happens and I'm wondering whether there is another way to tackle the issue.