My girlfriend's mom is upset with me over girlfriend's decision on a car.
Her position
- A car that's around 5 or 6 years old with more than 80k miles will just break down (~80k is high milage)
- Such a car will break down at night and GF will get assaulted
- By suggesting otherwise I'm "interfering" and also disregarding GF's safety
- I advised the less thrifty option (but I think this is just of secondary importance to her)
I was advising that GF just gets a used car to save money. Her mom thinks I disrespected her authority by doing so (GF did follow my advice) and she sent me a lengthy text expressing her disapproval. This happened early February. I haven't had contact with her mom since.
I think it's important to note that the mom is a Taiwanese immigrant (English is a second language), and middle-aged.
What's been tried
Nothing. Her dad advised me to just say nothing, as she just gets mad like this sometimes and that she'll get over it.
However, she is apparently still mad about it. So I'm not sure how to go about apologizing.
My Ideas
- I could just send a text reply back
- I could sent a gift with a note (she seems to value gifts)
- Both
Having read Dale Carnegie I know I've got to just accept I'm in the wrong to her. And I have a vague idea of what to say exactly, if I reply with a text. But I don't know if it's better to just be brief and to the point, or more wordy and "flowery"? Is there anything I should avoid saying at all costs?