Suppose you're living with your spouse and going through some problems with your spouse. You've addressed the problems several times with her but your spouse has been unwilling to pay attention to you and has been ignoring you. When you talk to her she simply tells you to shut up. Part of the problem is that she doesn't respect your right to privacy and keeps looking at your mobile finding lame excuses to grab your password and read your stuff and delete information she doesn't like from your accounts, at the same time unwilling to talk to you about your stuff directly.
You want to talk to someone about it. All you have is your mobile phone. You are thinking of posting all of your problems on a chat or on a social network like Facebook.
The problem is that this seeking help in this manner may label you as a complainer. Plus, once you meet up with your spouse and these people they may use the information to judge how poor a couple you are, and look negatively and sorry about how the couple is not working out. This may in turn also help malicious people wanting to break the couple up. My partner is also expecting. How can I best share what I am going through with others without having my relationship status lose its good points from other people's point of view?