I am currently experiencing a very unpleasent situation. We are a group of 5, working on a software project for "professional school". We use Discord to organize us and to talk with each other.
Everybody is doing his/her task and delivers on time, as well as communicates properly, except for one guy.
He takes days to respond to anything and does not deliver his tasks on the dates he promised to deliver. We are not yet in a hurry to finish the project, but it is annoying as hell to wait for 1 person to finish his task, so that the others can move to their next task.
Thursday morning I 'ping' him in Discord, asking how far he is with his task. No answer on Thursday, that's why I 'ping' again on Friday. Again no response. Someone else 'pings' him on Sunday, because he still didn't respond. On Monday we finally get a response, which states, that he is like 25% done with his task. On that Monday he tells us, that he will be done by Wednesday and promises to deliver. On Wednesday, we all wait for him to even show up to our group call (we have one every Wednesday for 1 hour so that everyone actually works on the project at least once a week. This call was previously on Mondays), but he didn't show and didn't deliver his work. Then finally on the next Monday he delivered his work, which only he can understand.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we have a group call again to which he hopefully shows up and explains how to use his work. I already 'pinged' him 2 times since Monday, giving him a task which only he can complete as he knows how to work with what he delivered, but yet I didn't get a response.
He is knowledgeable with Discord, and he is online often enough to read it, but he doesn't/ignores it. Everyone is expected to work at least 1 hour per week, but more is better. The other group members are annoyed by him as well.
My question:
How can I "force" him to deliver the work everyone is waiting for as well as answers within a timely manner?
Note that I do not care if I have to be unfriendly. My goal is to get the message accross and have it stay in his head. Also note that the whole interaction we have as a group is online through Discord (text-chat as well as voice-chat). We can't contact the teacher until the next school block, by which the project should be finished. I would assume that we are required to handle this on our own as part of our apprenticeship.
I don't think that location is important, but for reference, this is taking place in Germany.
As many people suggest on how to deal with the situation overall, I want to clarify that it is not really what I am looking for.
I am prefferably looking for a solution to raise his overall participation in the project (work delivered as well as Discord chat)