So... I'm looking at trying to help my current partner (girlfriend) help overcome her emotions when we get in a little bit of a minor argument about random topics and she gets emotional about me getting angry at her etc.
I've already brought the topic up a few times when and after it has happened asking her what and why she's upset, and most of the time it's because she doesn't want me to be angry with her and leave her, in which case I reassure her of the opposite (I also jokingly say if I was angry with her I wouldn't be doing this to try and lift the mood, 90% of the time I get a chuckle from her).
Scenario: Last night we finished up a LARP event and went to get food afterwards then headed off, we both drove ourselves so we weren't waiting on one another, she stayed and chatted to a few other tables while I went off and headed to our place (I didn't need to stay and be a part of a conversation I knew I wasn't involved in), when we got home she was worried that I left in an angry mood because I left earlier than she did, that she wanted to chat with her friends and assumed that me leaving was a "let's go now" (more context below) and that "you can't stay here any longer, we're leaving", to which I informed her that it was the opposite and that's why we both take our own cars, so that if one of us leaves or has to go, the other can still stay.
She has mentioned in the past that her previous partners have been "you must do this and only this, if I don't like it then you can't do it". I'm not a controlling person, we both have our times where we visit our individual mates, places and whatnot, but there are times we spend together, a healthy balance I think.
We've been together almost 6 months now, and I would like to know what I can do to help her break the habit of how her previous partners were treating her, other than reassuring her every time she gets worried.